Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Letter from Kelvin Davies - CEO of Rainforest Rescue - Helping to Save the Cassowaries!

I’m urging everyone to do their bit to help save the endangered Cassowary. It’s estimated there are only 1000 remaining in wild in Australia. If you are in the US or Canada please click this link to made a donation to support the purchase of rainforest that is important Cassowary habitat.

This video helpfully explains how people in the US and Canada can help save the endangered Cassowary through the Global Giving. Please watch the video then ‘share’ this on Facebook. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GVDlspvLpA&feature=youtu.be
Rainforest Rescue has launched its appeal to buy a 16th Daintree rainforest property for the endangered Cassowary. They need your help to purchase Lot 8 Buchannan Creek Road as a special place. Each $5 will buy 1 sq metre of the rainforest and protect it forever. Please read this story.
How about giving something back to our wild things, this festive season. Plant a tree for the endangered Cassowary. Check out Rainforest Rescue for more information. http://www.rainforestrescue.org.au/shop/Gift_Card_CassowaryCare.html

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Bob Irwin and Rainforest Rescue! I have donated to help you reach your goal and I will post this on my wordpress blog and facebook page in the hopes that you reach your goal! Best of luck!
    Steve O'Neil
    Naturalist, Wildlife Warrior and
    Executive Director of
    Earthshine Nature Programs
    Lake Toxaway, NC
