This video helpfully explains how people in the US and Canada can help save the endangered Cassowary through the Global Giving. Please watch the video then ‘share’ this on Facebook.
The Bob Irwin Wildlife Fund is a not-for-profit conservation organisation affiliated with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Queensland, which is dedicated to the preservation of all wildlife and its habitat for future generations. We are inspired by Steve's passion for conservation, and commit to continuing his vision to leave this world a better place.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Letter from Kelvin Davies - CEO of Rainforest Rescue - Helping to Save the Cassowaries!
Monday, November 7, 2011
New BOB IRWIN Videos Just Posted!
Bob Irwin Wants a Khaki Army of Wildlife Warriors in London for Protest About Killing Sea Turtles and Dugongs in Australia! Get your CRIKEY gear on!
Dugong and Sea Turtle Campaign with BOB IRWIN
Bob Irwin is in South Australia to see why wombats are buried alive!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Bob Irwin Shuns Animal Politics
Bob Irwin has announced he will NOT be contesting the seat of Ashgrove. Click here to read more.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Bob Irwin has taken the rare step of appearing in a series of television commercials calling for an immediate moratorium on the hunting of endangered dugongs and sea turtles around the Australian coastline by Indigenous hunters under Native Title.
And in Queensland, the only state in Australia having no cruelty laws in relation to indigenous hunting, Bob has decided to speak out.
Hundreds of the endangered animals are washing up dead along our coastline from unknown causes, and uncontrolled and unmonitored hunting is a pressure they do not need.
The commercials will be aired in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland for two weeks beginning on Steve Irwin Day September 4th.
James Epong, an Indigenous Australian and son of Elders and Sea Country people of the Mandubarra mob Henry and Nellie Epong, joins Bob's call for a moratorium.
Ben Cropp, world renowned marine documentary maker and diver, will also appear in separate commercials, calling for the same, over the two week period.
In light of Australia's opposition to Japan's whaling, they feel we should clean up our own backyard first.
Link to all three clips:
Link to cruelty:
All media enquiries to be directed to Colin Riddell:
mobile 0427632208, home 07 40454034.
mobile 0427632208, home 07 40454034.
Email Website
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Please understand that if we continue to destroy our natural world, we will destroy ourselves. Do you want our future generations to eat contaminated food and drink poisoned water?? There is not doubt this is the path that our corrupt governments and the mining industries are working towards.
Get off your bums NOW and please stand up and fight for our beautiful country. We've just been sent this article from 'Lock the Gates.'
· Haystack Plain: 13,000 ha of iconic Darling Downs farmland. Tarong Energy – which is wholly owned by the Queensland Government – owns the Mineral Development Licence for the coal deposit under the Haystack Plain.
Tarong Energy representatives have stated that they have more than enough coal to service the Tarong Power Station for its entire operating life (25years+) without using the Haystack coal deposit.
They are, however, now reviewing the asset with the intention to sell the Mineral Development Licence to another company. The Haystack coal deposit is export quality coal and is likely to be exported.’Warwick , Highfields, Meringandan, Gowrie, Kingsthorpe, Pittsworth, Oakey, Gowrie Mountain , Hodgson Vale and Cabarlah.
There are also applications for bauxite mines near Crows Nest and nearby Geham.
There are bauxite exploration permits for 7,000sq kms of Qld, focused around Kingaroy and Pittsworth in particular.
There is a permit granted for a coal mine in theBrisbane Valley only 5 kms upstream from Somerset Dam – Brisbane ’s major water catchment area.
The Qld State Government, the Toowoomba Regional Shire Council and a local developer are currently forcing through the biggest noxious and dangerous toxic industrial estate ever seen in regionalAustralia on the famous old grain and thoroughbred farm Wellcamp Downs – only ten minutes from the centre of the city.
At 600ha, it is double the size of the heavy industrial area for the entire city ofBrisbane . The site – a famous grain farm – is an old koala habitat crossed by a creek that flows into the Murray-Darling. When the south-westerly winds blow in winter, noxious fumes will settle on the roofs of Toowoomba – and straight into rainwater tanks.
Despite the fact that Toowoomba is a Garden City with an economy based on farming, tourism, education and retirees, there have been no environmental studies on the site or buffering to protect nearby farms. One ofAustralia ’s leading Urban Planners has described the proposal as ‘simply unbelievable - a blight on the landscape”.
There are now exploration leases or applications for leases over almost every major grain farm, thoroughbred farm and beef farm on the Darling Downs.
Get off your bums NOW and please stand up and fight for our beautiful country. We've just been sent this article from 'Lock the Gates.'
Fellow Queenslanders, we desperately need your help.
Please circulate this to everyone you know – this has come from prominent Environmental Activists who know how to find where the permits have been granted.
You should be aware – and deeply concerned - that these stories are NOT being reported in theQueensland media – and Regional Councils like Toowoomba are not even telling their residents.
Mining of this magnitude will destroy our great state ofQueensland as we know it – all to save two broken and busted Governments.
In 20 years we will be a slag heap, our waters will be polluted, ourArtesian Basin sucked dry – and we will have nothing left to feed our people.
PleaseLOCK THE GATE and prepare to stand up and fight – our farmland and our way of life is worth it.
Virtually the entire Darling Downs is now covered by coal permits of one form or another. The South Burnett will be next, as well as theBrisbane Valley .
Ambre Energy has a mining lease application over 2000 ha ofFelton Valley , as well as around 70,000 ha under exploration permits all the way from Toowoomba to Warwick .
Newmont has a mineral development license over 13000 ha south of Felton.
Acland (New Hope mine) is currently in Stage One which covers 2,2000 ha. By Stage Three – with the Environmental Impact Study now awaiting rubber-stamp approval – it will include an additional 5,400 ha, giving the mine a total area of 7,400 ha. New Hope Coal owns all the farmland almost to Oakey showground, and east out to Goombungee.
Other mining leases in theEast Acland area amount to an area around 40 sq km.
Please circulate this to everyone you know – this has come from prominent Environmental Activists who know how to find where the permits have been granted.
You should be aware – and deeply concerned - that these stories are NOT being reported in the
Mining of this magnitude will destroy our great state of
In 20 years we will be a slag heap, our waters will be polluted, our
Virtually the entire Darling Downs is now covered by coal permits of one form or another. The South Burnett will be next, as well as the
Ambre Energy has a mining lease application over 2000 ha of
Newmont has a mineral development license over 13000 ha south of Felton.
Acland (
Other mining leases in the
· Haystack Plain: 13,000 ha of iconic Darling Downs farmland. Tarong Energy – which is wholly owned by the Queensland Government – owns the Mineral Development Licence for the coal deposit under the Haystack Plain.
Tarong Energy representatives have stated that they have more than enough coal to service the Tarong Power Station for its entire operating life (25years+) without using the Haystack coal deposit.
They are, however, now reviewing the asset with the intention to sell the Mineral Development Licence to another company. The Haystack coal deposit is export quality coal and is likely to be exported.’
There are exploration leases or applications for leases over the entire towns of
There are also applications for bauxite mines near Crows Nest and nearby Geham.
There are bauxite exploration permits for 7,000sq kms of Qld, focused around Kingaroy and Pittsworth in particular.
There is a permit granted for a coal mine in the
The Qld State Government, the Toowoomba Regional Shire Council and a local developer are currently forcing through the biggest noxious and dangerous toxic industrial estate ever seen in regional
At 600ha, it is double the size of the heavy industrial area for the entire city of
Despite the fact that Toowoomba is a Garden City with an economy based on farming, tourism, education and retirees, there have been no environmental studies on the site or buffering to protect nearby farms. One of
There are now exploration leases or applications for leases over almost every major grain farm, thoroughbred farm and beef farm on the Darling Downs.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Australian Society for Kangaroos TV Commercial
Hello everyone,
As you know I've been speaking out against the Kangaroo Industry here in Australia for a number of years now - it is not sustainable - and soon we'll be hearing of the near-extinction of our beautiful kangaroos and wallaroos.
The Australian Society for Kangaroos has had a tv commercial produced speaking out against the industry and it's cruelty to our roos.
If you're in Australia, you'll be able to watch this commercial on the net, however, overseas people won't be able to watch it YET. This is because of restricted music rights on the song that is played during the commercial. Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon and then everyone will be able to watch the commercial.
As you know I've been speaking out against the Kangaroo Industry here in Australia for a number of years now - it is not sustainable - and soon we'll be hearing of the near-extinction of our beautiful kangaroos and wallaroos.
The Australian Society for Kangaroos has had a tv commercial produced speaking out against the industry and it's cruelty to our roos.
If you're in Australia, you'll be able to watch this commercial on the net, however, overseas people won't be able to watch it YET. This is because of restricted music rights on the song that is played during the commercial. Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon and then everyone will be able to watch the commercial.
The link below takes you directly to the TV ad and also the rest of their new website with lots of current information about the kangaroo industry and our other campaigns.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Gas Coal Seam Fire Poison Horror
What an absolute horror story!
And all Australians should take note that this same gas industry has started in Australia. So far only 5,000 wells have been dug (in America over 250,000 wells have gone down) - with huge problems already - not to mention the amount of toxic chemicals that will eventually end up in the Great Artesian Basin - water source for much of our wildlife as well as our cattle and the country folk who rely on the Artesian basin for their water supply.
Every citizen in every country should WATCH THIS CLIP!
This video clip is 15 mins long - so take a look when you've got enough time.
And have a read of THIS ARTICLE too!
Our governments are totally corrupt and have no credibility whatsoever!
This link to the Four Corners Program aired on 21/2/2011 about the coal gas industry here and the problems it's produced already.
It's time EVERYONE had something to say about this disaster in the making!!!
Bob Irwin
What an absolute horror story!
Every citizen in every country should WATCH THIS CLIP!
This video clip is 15 mins long - so take a look when you've got enough time.
And have a read of THIS ARTICLE too!
Our governments are totally corrupt and have no credibility whatsoever!
This link to the Four Corners Program aired on 21/2/2011 about the coal gas industry here and the problems it's produced already.
It's time EVERYONE had something to say about this disaster in the making!!!
Bob Irwin
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
To all those who are holding an audacious faith in the future, please take the time to read the following article from Bolivia .
For a very long time I have been concerned for the well being of our Mother Earth and all the beautiful creatures that live on this planet.We must continue to strive to stop the greed and corruption within our governments and corporations as they continuing to destroy our country and our future.
We must all give the world the best we can.
It may never be enough - but give the best you have anyway.
Listen with your heart.
P.S. Words of wisdom from Denise Garrett and Kim Dale:
Here's the article, that I'd like you all to read -
Thank you,
Bob Irwin
John Vidal
Guardian News & Media
April 12, 2011
LA PAZ:Bolivia is set to pass the world's first laws granting nature equal rights to humans. The Law of Mother Earth, now agreed by politicians and grassroots social groups, redefines the country's rich mineral deposits as "blessings" and is expected to bring radical new conservation and social measures to reduce pollution and control industry.
The country, which has been pilloried by the US and Britain in the United Nations climate talks for demanding steep carbon emission cuts, will establish 11 new rights for nature. They include: the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered.
Controversially, it will also enshrine the right of nature "to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities."
"It makes world history. Earth is the mother of all," said the Vice-President, Alvaro Garcia Linera.
The law has been heavily influenced by a resurgent indigenous Andean spiritual world view, which places the environment and the earth deity known as the Pachamama at the centre of all life. Humans are considered equal to all other entities.
Bolivia has long suffered from serious environmental problems from the mining of tin, silver, gold and other raw materials.
For a very long time I have been concerned for the well being of our Mother Earth and all the beautiful creatures that live on this planet.We must continue to strive to stop the greed and corruption within our governments and corporations as they continuing to destroy our country and our future.
We must all give the world the best we can.
It may never be enough - but give the best you have anyway.
Listen with your heart.
P.S. Words of wisdom from Denise Garrett and Kim Dale:
"The planet can survive without human life, but it cannot survive without animal life.
The animals are the keepers of the Earth - they pollinate it, fertilize it, prune it, aerate it and keep the Earth healthy.
They are life itself.
Without them we are the endangered species - and remember every time a species dies, we are ourselves one step closer to extinction."
The animals are the keepers of the Earth - they pollinate it, fertilize it, prune it, aerate it and keep the Earth healthy.
They are life itself.
Without them we are the endangered species - and remember every time a species dies, we are ourselves one step closer to extinction."
Here's the article, that I'd like you all to read -
Thank you,
Bob Irwin
John Vidal
Guardian News & Media
The country, which has been pilloried by the US and Britain in the United Nations climate talks for demanding steep carbon emission cuts, will establish 11 new rights for nature. They include: the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered.
Controversially, it will also enshrine the right of nature "to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities."
"It makes world history. Earth is the mother of all," said the Vice-President, Alvaro Garcia Linera.
The law has been heavily influenced by a resurgent indigenous Andean spiritual world view, which places the environment and the earth deity known as the Pachamama at the centre of all life. Humans are considered equal to all other entities.
Friday, March 11, 2011
I would ask all those who care for our beautiful wildlife and the environment to read this email written by Justine Seymour to Mr. Curtis Pitt, elected Queensland State Labour Govt Member for Mulgrave in North Queensland.
This email (below) reinforces the incompetence and total lack of responsibility of our present Governments.
I commend Justine for the action she has taken in writing to the local state government member in North Queensland! If you would also like to write to him to express your views on the dugong situation - here is his email address:
We have, occurring in north Queensland, one of the most serious abuses of endangered dugongs and yet our governments are turning a blind eye to the problem. No one knows how many are left in the wild.
The United Nations, in a report on the global dugong situation, said that the dugong will be extinct within 40 years.
Yet our governments continue to allow unlimited, unregulated and in my view unacceptable killing of these dugongs.
ColinWhoCares and I have been calling for a moratorium on the dugong hunting for over 12 months now. Nothing has been done by the governments and the killing continues. Take a look at ColinWhoCares site:
And while you're on the net please take a look at
Please sign their campaign to stop the proposed marinas being built in this near pristine dugong, turtle and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin habitat. The development of the marinas in the Tin Can Bay area will kill the sea grass beds - which are the sole food source for the dugong.
The Tin Can Bay area which is a part of the Great Sandy Straits have the highest density of dugong in the world. They have already been killed off in 3 other countries around the world.
Please help save the remaining dugong populations here in Australia.
The United Nations, in a report on the global dugong situation, said that the dugong will be extinct within 40 years.
Yet our governments continue to allow unlimited, unregulated and in my view unacceptable killing of these dugongs.
ColinWhoCares and I have been calling for a moratorium on the dugong hunting for over 12 months now. Nothing has been done by the governments and the killing continues. Take a look at ColinWhoCares site:
And while you're on the net please take a look at
Please sign their campaign to stop the proposed marinas being built in this near pristine dugong, turtle and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin habitat. The development of the marinas in the Tin Can Bay area will kill the sea grass beds - which are the sole food source for the dugong.
The Tin Can Bay area which is a part of the Great Sandy Straits have the highest density of dugong in the world. They have already been killed off in 3 other countries around the world.
Please help save the remaining dugong populations here in Australia.
Bob Irwin
Here is Justine's letter to Curtis Pitt:
Dear Mr. Pitt,
As the subject line of this emails states, I am writing to you on the ongoing issue of dugongs and sea turtles, specifically the abject cruelty they are subjected to.
Now, I heard your response to the item on Channel 7 about the turtle left upside down on its back outside a house in Yarrabah, and quite frankly, I am disgusted with the INACTION on your part as well as your party, in particular Kate Jones in her role as Environment Minister.
GBRMPA's plan along with the Queensland Government's for communities to self manage clearly is not working, otherwise we would not have this situation. There is also quite obviously - and unfortunately - no Elder respect in the communities so it needs tight Government control to make it effective. If there were Elder respect, again this would not be happening.
I, along with thousands of people around the world (yes, this issue does have global attention) are absolutely appalled that such an act of cruelty, such as a turtle being left on its back in searing heat, such as a turtle having its flippers hacked off one by one and its belly cut open WHILST STILL ALIVE is acceptable in Queensland.
To make this easier for you to understand - it makes no difference to the turtle whether its assailant is Indigenous or not! The pain is the same!
I would like now to take issue with the comments made by you on your website. On your website you said (my questions/comments are interspersed with **):
"Like most people, I found it very difficult to watch the footage on Seven News earlier this week of a turtle at Yarrabah left to bake in the sun.
From my perspective, this was a case of animal cruelty. Where it occurred or why is not the point. I don’t know anyone who condones the inhumane activity like this, especially Traditional Owners."
** An unbelievable statement considering it is those very Traditional Owners who are doing this!
"While I don’t agree with every aspect of the Opposition’s proposal for changes to animal cruelty regulations, I do agree with the general principles behind it."
** What part do you not like and why do you not recommend the immediate implementation of it?
"That’s why I support the work that our joint Commonwealth-State Dugong and Turtle Taskforce is doing. It has already committed to look at whether any occurrences of perceived animal cruelty during traditional hunting and gathering require tougher regulations."
** "perceived cruelty"?? What on earth does this mean? Are you suggesting the turtle was not in any way suffering? As I said, it makes no difference to the turtle whether its assailant is Indigneous or not! The pain is the same! As far as the work that the joint Commonwealth-State Dugong and Turtle Taskforce is doing - we can see the results of that taskforce and it seems to be similar to the results of community consultation. This must be simply lip service on the Government's part as the situation is continuing and turtles and dugongs are still suffering immeasurable cruelty.
"I understand that for this particular incident, there is a police investigation ongoing in conjunction with relevant authorities including GBRMPA (Great Barrier Reef and Marine Parks Authority)."
** But there is no LAW under which to act!!!! This is the stupidity of it! What are GBRMPA and the police going to do? The animal cruelty laws do NOT apply to Indigneous Australians, therefore the investigation will serve no purpose. We have already established that community consultation is not working. Tell me what the police and GBRMPA are going to achieve by investigating without any law under which to prosecute?
"Some people continue to make simplistic statements about what is clearly a complex issue – often as a means of scoring cheap political points or for other agendas. Making this a political issue will get us nowhere."
** It is as complicated as you make it. It is about killing an animal humanely versus an horrific, cruel and drawn out death. That is a very simple concept. I am concerned about the animals. I don't care who fixes it, I only care that it is fixed.
"However I’m very pleased to see the Opposition in Queensland have adopted the Government’s view and is quite sensibly no longer calling for moratorium on all traditional hunting. The one size fits all approach almost never works – particularly on a complex issue such as this one. Local solutions are what’s needed, in partnership with all stakeholders."
**This is INCORRECT and you know it. The Opposition has never stepped back from a moratorium, nor have they adopted your Government's position, which as we can see results in absolutely nothing. What hypocisy of you to mention political point scoring above and yet come out with this statement!
Tell me Mr. Pitt exactly how many dugongs and sea turtles are left and please also give me the number which represents a sustainable (per annum) hunting quota. I already know the answer to these questions because you cannot supply the data. THERE EXISTS NO DATA! Therefore, you cannot possibly know whether a moratorium is justified or not.
Furthermore, there is an increasing problem with the flood plume affecting sea grass which dugongs feed on and we are now dealing with the aftermath of TC Yasi. This adds yet more pressure to the existing ones, including traditional hunting as well as poaching for the illegal meat trade, making it more pertinent than ever to temporarily stop hunting so as to establish the situation and see what constitutes a sustainable take. See also the UN meda release from October 4: The relevant line here is: "Now the remaining populations of this seemingly clumsy sea mammal, commonly known as a sea cow, are at serious risk of becoming extinct within the next 40 years."
Considering that the vast majority of the world's dugong live in Australian waters, your party's - and especially Kate Jones' - statement that dugongs are NOT in danger of becoming extinct defies all logic, ESPECIALLY when the current numbers are not known!
Mark Baker wrote the article "Slaughter of the Innocents" for The Age in 1998 which quotes both Prof. Helene Marsh and Dr. Colin Limpus (see article: (Prof Marsh) predicts that dugongs will disappear from all areas of the world apart from far north Queensland and the Torres Strait within the next century and that this last "dugong Serengeti" will also be endangered unless an effective scheme is implemented. "The future of coastal marine mammals is extremely bleak. If we can't get our act together those species are going to go, " she says. "In the Torres Strait the situation could be managed quite easily and it could be very empowering for the local people....Australia is a custodian of marine biodiversity. We have a responsibility to act."
Dr Colin Limpus, an expert on turtle conservation with the Queensland Department of Environment, estimates that about 10,000 of the migratory green turtles that nest in Australian waters are killed by fishermen each year. While most are captured in an expanding commercial trade in Indonesia and PNG, Dr Limpus reckons as many as 10,000 a year are hunted in and around the Torres Strait Peninsula Zone.
He believes this harvest is well in excess of sustainable levels for a species that takes between 30 and 50 years to mature and breeds only every five or six years. Traditional hunters - who also prey on pregnant dugongs for their foetuses and young calves - deliberately target mature female turtles for their eggs and supposedly superior meat. "Right now there are so many it's difficult for people to see the problem, but my crystal ball-gazing tells me we are losing them and we can't see it," says Dr Limpus. "I don't think we can afford to continue like this for more than, at best, another 15 or 20 years. We are hammering the hell out of them and when the crash comes it is probably going to be irretrievable." Dr Limpus is concerned at the lack of a conservation ethic among most Islanders. "They just see this as another food source that they can go and get whenever they like and that will be forever."
Now back to your comments:
"I’m prepared to work with anyone – including those with differing political views – to make
progress on this issue. I’d urge anyone who has a genuine interest in this issue to focus on where there is already agreement– by and large we are seeking the same outcome – sustainability of these majestic creatures."
** Seeing as you are prepared to work with anyone I suggest you support the proposal to have the Animal Cruelty Act ammended. To put it bluntly - put your money where your mouth is!
And when you say "focus on where there is agreement" what exactly do you mean? Can you please state exactly where there this agreement already exists? Agreement on what exactly and between whom? Who is not in agreement and why not? Why are you not addressing that as well?
"Now is the time for both the State and Federal governments to work with Traditional Owner groups on compliance action, including the training of Indigenous Rangers as inspectors equipped with prosecution powers to enable us to stamp out illegal poaching and trading."
** Your Government did not even investigate the claims and complaints made about eskies full of dugong and turtle meat coming through Cairns airport on a daily basis. NOT ONE PERSON bothered to make a trip out there. On a positive note, at least you now admit there is illegal poaching and trading going on.
"Rogue elements involved in a black market trade for their meat must be stopped and those caught should feel the full force of the law. I’d encourage anyone who can provide evidence of such activity to come forward to allow authorities to investigate."
**see above.
Your sincerely,
Justine Seymour
Friday, February 11, 2011
Another Australian species faces extinction, and only through understanding and action can we stop the inevitable fate of the Fraser Island Dingo! Jennifer Parkhurst highlighted the need for such action with her photographs and articles:
"The cruel occurrence of starvation, hazing (aversive conditioning), collaring, destruction of pups, removal of territorial ground, fencing, electric grids, and uncontrolled burns, threatens to wipe out the dingoes on Fraser Island forever. Yet I am constantly inspired by the dingoes’ ability to survive despite this ongoing persecution. But they can’t survive indefinitely.’ (extract from Jennifer Parkhurst's Plea for the dingoes)
Save Fraser Island Dingoes Inc. was formed to protect and preserve this Iconic Australian species, especially in a World Heritage National Park that should be a natural sanctuary. Animals have the right to their territory, and the right to access their food, to live without fear of being hit by vehicles or harassed by people, and to belong to a pack that hasn't been torn apart by unnatural culling.
Dingo conservation can only happen through public support and education and by applying pressure on the government to change current management practices. For more Info please visit: or Facebook sites ‘Save Fraser Island Dingoes’ and ‘Support Jennifer Parkhurst Wildlife Photographer’, or e-mail Save Fraser Island Dingoes Inc. at
For more, click on this video:
For more, click on this video:
Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 7, 2011: Bob Irwin launches BOB’S MISSION CASSOWARY to help Australia’s big birds of the rainforest get back on track after Cyclone Yasi shredded their habitat in Mission Beach and surrounds.
“The authorities and emergency services personnel are busy assiisting people in their cleanup operations, so it is up to us to do what we can to alleviate the suffering of these magnificent creatures," says Bob Irwin.
Cassowaries are already in danger of extinction. We need to act right now to preserve their habitat.”
Super storms grab headlines for destroying rainforests but without these unique ancient birds, that can turn fruit into trees, we won’t have a rainforest to protect.
The Bob Irwin Wildlife Fund will work with a variety of community and government organisations that are on the ground in affected areas.
The first priority is to establish temporary food stations and generate a driver awareness campaign to avoid a cassowary road toll in the post cyclone cleanup.
Donations can be made:
Direct Deposit
Account name: Bob Irwin Wildlife Fund
BSB 034033
Account 169342
By Mail
Bob Irwin Wildlife Fund
PO Box 6177
Fairfield Gardens QLD 4103
For an interview with Bob Irwin or for more information please contact:
Emma Rusher |
0425 841 331

No more talk – We need action now!!
With recent flooding across Queensland having a dramatic impact on our wildlife it is easy to blame Mother Nature for the damage she has caused. There is no doubt these floods have impacted on our marine wildlife as habitat and food sources suffer damage from pollution in flood plumes sent hurtling into some of our most precious marine environments, including the Great Barrier Reef.
However, it is important to remember that there is a much more insidious threat to our precious marine life which is being left largely unchecked along the Queensland coastline. Coastal development is listed as a threatening process in nearly all of the critically endangered marine species, including dugong, marine turtles and coastal dolphins such as the Indo Pacific humpback. We know it is impacting and yet we keep approving developments and our wildlife is paying the ultimate price.
Seagrass beds are likely to suffer the most damage from flooding. Seagrass is a food source for the critically endangered dugong and green turtles as well as providing shelter and habitat for many other marine species.
Flooding is a natural phenomenon and one which our marine ecosystems are designed to recover from. For example, the dugong population in the Great Sandy Strait was able to recover from the 1992 Mary River flood thanks to the sanctuary provided by the southern Great Sandy Strait where seagrass meadows were far enough away from the impacts to provide an alternate food source for the northern population. Whilst many dugong died in this flood the southern region was able to sustain sufficient dugong to enable the population in the entire Great Sandy Strait / Hervey Bay area to recover to now be the largest population in SE Queensland .
However, the resilience of the marine environment to recover from these natural events is being eroded by the impacts of coastal development. Development directly removes or damages mangroves and seagrass meadows as well as increasing the pollution and debris flowing into the marine environment.
The negative impacts of coastal development on our marine environment are permanent. Habitat destroyed by coastal development never comes back and marine species die. It is as simple as that.
But the good news is we have direct control over these impacts. We can make a choice to reject developments in areas recognised for their high biodiversity value and provide genuine long term protection for some of our most productive and diverse marine ecosystems and the wildlife that live there.
The southern Great Sandy Strait , Cooloola Coast area is the sand passage estuary lying between World Heritage listed Fraser Island and the mainland. It is home to the largest dugong population in SE Queensland with seagrass meadows in the area able to support dugong herds that are amongst the highest densities in the world. This diverse marine ecosystem also supports the endangered loggerhead, green and hawksbill turtles, a wide diversity of birds, reptiles and fish species. It is a nursery for the marine life in the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea .
However, with two marina developments proposed for the southern Great Sandy Strait waterways we are in real danger of losing one of the last remaining pristine and diverse marine ecosystems on the Queensland coast.
Once the developments take place the slow erosion of the values continues. Pollution, vessel interaction with marine species, marine debris and further habitat destruction from the increased use of the waterways are the ongoing impacts that our wildlife will face. We have seen this in Moreton Bay and will continue to see it in highly developed areas.
There are now many Government reports and policy documents which recognise that Australia ’s biodiversity is declining. Unfortunately these policies are only slowly taking hold, with the Queensland biodiversity strategy, coastal plan and other reviews all remaining in draft form. Our wildlife can no longer wait for policy to catch up.
The business as usual approach while these critical environmental policy documents are worked through is unacceptable. At the very least an embargo on developments in areas recognised for their high biodiversity is required immediately to allow the new policy direction to take hold. Protection at the ecosystem level is now widely recognised as the only way forward. An embargo will give short term protection while proper assessment at the ecosystem level can take place.
This is a matter of life and death for our wildlife. We cannot stop flooding, but we can stop development and mitigate other human related threats. Coastal development in the southern Great Sandy Strait and Cooloola region really is the greatest threat the dugong, marine turtles and many other species that live there face. We must speak up on their behalf to save their home.
The time for action for our threatened marine species is right now and I need your help to get this message through to our politicians. Talking is no longer an option.
I am calling on all Australians to make a real difference to endangered marine wildlife by getting behind the ‘Click and Save Tin Can Bay ’ campaign. This is your chance to send a direct message to Minister Tony Burke that we want real action now. No more talking while our wildlife disappears.
Australians want a future that includes and cherishes the natural beauty and diversity of wildlife that we are known for worldwide. We are now asking our politicians to recognise this and take immediate action.
To send a clear message to Minister Burke and have your say head to . It will only take a few seconds out of your busy life but will make a lifetime of difference to our endangered marine wildlife.
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